Interviews & Speeches

CBS 60 Minutes: Barak Obama's Interview

washingtonian 2008. 11. 18. 12:53

Kroft: Are you gonna make a lot of speeches? Are you gonna talk a lot to the American people on television and radio?

Obama: You know, I'm not sure that the American people are looking for a lot of speeches. I think what they're looking for is action. But one of the things that I do think is important is to be able to explain to the American people what you're doing, and why you're doing it. That is something that I think every great president has been able to do. From FDR to Lincoln to John Kennedy to Eisenhower. I mean, I think that they were people who were able to say 'Here's the direction we're going. Here's why I think it's important. Here are the possible dangers or challenges. But ultimately, you know, this is gonna lead us to a better America.' And I want to make sure that I can recreate a bond of trust between the presidency and the public that I think has been lost.

For the whole script, click here!