'Mr. Duncan'에 해당되는 글 7건

  1. 2008.11.16 Mr. Duncan: Friends
  2. 2008.11.15 Mr Duncan: Office words
  3. 2008.11.14 Mr. Duncan - Giving News
  4. 2008.11.13 Idioms
  5. 2008.11.12 Lesson 3: Saying Thank You
  6. 2008.11.11 Duncan's English Lesson 2 : Accent
  7. 2008.11.11 Mr. Duncan's English Lesson 1

2008. 11. 16. 13:23 Mr. Duncan

Mr. Duncan: Friends


A friend in need is a friend indeed.

Bud or buddy (USA)

Mate, Pal (UK) You are my best Mate (Pal).

Posted by washingtonian

2008. 11. 15. 13:27 Mr. Duncan

Mr Duncan: Office words

bits and pieces
when they go wrong.
Note pad
Maths (England)
Math (USA)
Correction Fluid
Tipp-ex (England)
a Stapler
Scotch tape
Cellotape (England)
a Hole puncher
a box file
Posted by washingtonian

2008. 11. 14. 13:36 Mr. Duncan

Mr. Duncan - Giving News

Posted by washingtonian

2008. 11. 13. 13:42 Mr. Duncan


Pot calling the kettle black:

Don't beat about the bush: Get to the point. Don't spend too much explaining things.

All that glitters is not gold: A showy article may not necessarily be valuable.

Easier said than done.

Waste not want not: the more you save, the more you gain.

Look before you leap

Don't judge the book by the cover.

Once bitten Twice shy: You neve make same mistakes twice.  You learn from your mistake.

Back to the drawing board: we begin from the start.

His bark is worse than his bite.: A person appears to be dangerous but in reality they are not.

Don't count your chicken before they have hatched.: do not always assume that things will go on as planned.

Laugh all the way to the bank: to make money without doing very much work

Throw the baby out with the bathwater: To throw away useful things as well as useless things at the time

There are no flies on him (her) A person who is obviously intelligent and not easy to fool.

A penny saved is a penny gained. Even a small action can have a big affect.

Posted by washingtonian

Thank you very much!
Thanks a lot!
Ta very much!
Thanks a bundle!
You are too kind!
I am very grateful!
I appreciate it!
Thanks ever so much!
I don't know what to say!
I'm overwhelmed!
How can I ever repay you?
I'm deeply indebted to you!
What can I say!
You are the best!

Posted by washingtonian

Posted by washingtonian

Posted by washingtonian
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