'Slang'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 2008.12.11 Lesson 2: Slang Words

Barking up the wrong tree

Cold feet: nervous

Frick: something out of ordinary

Hush hush: secret

go bananas: go crazy! do whatever you want

go off deepen: loose your mind

hit the road: need to leave

high ruler: someone who makes and spends lots of money

BO: body odor (bad smell)

early bird: 

have ice for someone (something): I want it.

Hang out:

hit the spot: satisfy

Hook on: addicted

in the dog house: you've done bad

Hung upon someone (something): always think someone

Posted by washingtonian
이전버튼 1 이전버튼

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잘 따라하고 계시나요? Shadow talk 아주 중요합니다. 계속해서 반복합시다. ^^


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