Say vs. Tell

You can tell me anything!
I promise I won't say a word!

What did he tell me?
He says it's great.

Can you tell me how to improve my English?
The teacher told the students to be quite.

He says it's great.
He told me it's great.
Can you say it again please?

End up: when we don't expect something to happen
I always end up turning the subtitles on.

Posted by washingtonian


check out: try something
a dry spell: you haven't done something for a long time.
Have you had any dates recently?
No, it's been a bit of a dry spell.

It's so depressing.
I just can't seem to meet anyone.
He walked so quickly.

I can hardly hear her.

Brian is such a funny guy.
We had such a nice time.

Posted by washingtonian

Modal verbs


I think that might be reflected in our sales.
They might not arrive in time.

Once we establish a stronger training program, sales should pick up in Europe.

So, would you say Europe was our main area of concern right now?
would: for giving or asking for advice

Posted by washingtonian

Linking words
Discourse markers: indicate what's coming next / give time to think
Well... For example
For example: link answer to more information / indicate what's coming next
Variations: difference between things of the same type
There are many variations of the Chinese language

Linguistics: Study of languages

What do you hope to study?
Well, I've always enjoyed reading, so I hope to study English literature.

Well, I've applied to several places in the States, and one in England.

Posted by washingtonian

Do you mind if I...?
No, go ahead!
No, not at all!
No, of course not!

Sorry I am late. 
Traffic was atrocious (terrible).

It's rather large.
It's quite a large company.

rather: to express something unexpected or unusual
          to express negative feelings
          The network is rather slow today.
Quite: to express feeling happy about something
          I was able to download the file quite quickly.
         Are you sure?  Yes I am quite sure.

Posted by washingtonian

You are hurt.
a hit-run car accident: A truck hit her car and then drove away without stopping

What happened to Vivian?
Was she hurt?

My neck does hurt. - Emphasis
You do remember.

How can I help you?

This is the last thing I need.

Posted by washingtonian

Relative Clauses

The plant that produces cars

Did the visit go well or badly?

He met people who could answer his questions.

Which engineer did he speak with?
The engineer who developed the new engine.

who & that -> for people
the man who (that) lives in next door

that -> things
The machine that broke down is now working.

Where -> places
Mr. Fernandez went to the head offices where he met up with a few of the board of directors.
The restaurant where we had dinner was very cheap.

Posted by washingtonian

Articles: a, an, & the

I had a great time in the U.S.
I had the time of my life in Australia!

in the west
the time of my life

a few days

No articles
We celebrate Christmas at my house.
I love going to France.

Where does the sun set?
The sun sets in the west.

How do you say you had a really excellent time?
I had the time of my life.

My favorite coffee comes from Brazil.
Everyone knows the famous pyramids are in Egypt.

Eater is celebrated in the spring.
Halloween is very popular in the U.S.

The United States of America
The European Union
The Republic of Congo


Posted by washingtonian

What has gone wrong?
The itinerary is the problem.
What does Anna's niece need to do?
Her niece has to make three connections.
Unless she changes her ticket she won't be able to get a direct flight to Japan.
Why is it important for her to leave quickly?
Boarding announcement
My flight is delayed. I hope I don't miss my connection.

Posted by washingtonian

2008. 12. 1. 12:08 Pod English

Pod English 71 - Law

to sue
to charge
to cross examine
defense lawyer

Carla was hurt by a driver.
What's happened to the driver?
The police have charged him with reckless driving.
to charge: to write a formal statement saying that someone is accused of a crime
to sue: to get compensation because of an injury

Carla will be cross-examined.
cross-examination: ask detailed questions in court
jury: a group of people chose from the public
verdict: decision
The jury will reach the verdict.

Posted by washingtonian

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