드디오 팸과 짐이 결혼을 하나봅니다.
Posted by washingtonian

Posted by washingtonian

Posted by washingtonian

Posted by washingtonian

Posted by washingtonian

2009. 9. 3. 11:35 TV Shows

The Office: Blood Drive

Posted by washingtonian

2009. 8. 17. 13:32 TV Shows

The Office: The Surplus

5일 동안만 볼 수 있답니다.
시간나는 대로 많이 많이 들어봅시다.
Posted by washingtonian

2009. 8. 5. 13:09 TV Shows

The Office: Dream Team

Posted by washingtonian

많이 많이 들으셨나요.  아래는 제가 들은 표현들을 적어봤습니다. 

They took my parking space, but they cannot take my pride.

Welcome to the Michael Scott Paper Company.

Yes Charles, You want it me.

It’s not the worst plan she’s ever had.

We are in the heart of it  

What should we do now?

I have sent out e-vite.

I am going to need 800 of these

The worst part is I like making copies.

It’s technically a closet.

I am taking Andy hunting after work

Please don’t listen to my phone call.

What the hell is the run-down?

Did you wanna close this?

She was a prostitute.

It was gruesome.

It could mean that you are next.

You are finding everything OK.

I will see you guys around.

I am good at pushing a green button bunch of times.

What the hell?

I don’t make copies because I am a boss.

Somebody just make the copy.

Just make that copy.

Seriously, this is really imp

Dying my hair blond.

Michael, we can hear you.

It’s my turn. 

It is a mistake to hire your friend.

When I saw you when you were talking to Eron earlier.

That’s ridiculous.

Listen up. It’s come to my attention.  I think to come up to reason why.

You can fire one of us whoever has less education.

Rock the house.  You know what run-down is.  It sounds like run-down is really important. 

Hey cop, do you like donuts.

That’s my corner. 

I can’t relax where I work.

I will get back to the rundown right now.

Just keep it simple.  You are working hard on this.

Can I help you? 

I am here to see Charles.

I can come back as your personal assistant.

It was great catching up with you. 

Come on in.  I will give you tour.  You remember Ryan. 

What for?

I should leave, should go,

They are delicious. They are nutritious. They are complimentary.

There is a rundown you asked for.

I just I want to make sure…

Just faxing. 

Do you have a card?  NO, I don’t have a card.

I don’t even want this.

I will take them for my kids.

I like the song.  That was great. 

Wow.   You heard that. I am so embarrassed.

Do you want to sing with me. 

You have to stop.

In real life, it was disgusting.

We would like to do business with you.

How can I make that happen?

I guarantee you will be satisfied.

We look forward to doing business with you.

That is really what’s important.

Literally every song is better

Posted by washingtonian

2009. 7. 22. 03:25 TV Shows

The Office: Broke

이번주 부터는 20분 정도의 드라마들을 일주일에 한번씩 올릴려구요. 
일주일 동안 시간 나는대로 이 동영상들을 반복해서 보고 또 봅시다.  그리고 똑같이 따라해보자구요.
스크립트를 몽땅 외워서 입에서 자연스럽게 나올때까지 들어봅시다. 

이번 에피소드에는 한국 교회차가 나오네요.  
Posted by washingtonian
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잘 따라하고 계시나요? Shadow talk 아주 중요합니다. 계속해서 반복합시다. ^^


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